Vincent Cheap
Vincent Cheap isa multi-media artist living and working in Denver Colorado. Cheap’smuse ishis
enviroment and hisstoriesare told through the human creaturesthat live and survive around him. His
main goal isto capture life’ssingle and simple moments. Illustrating and painting the split secondsthat
occur when a smile and happinessbriefly turn into sorrow and meloncholy memories. With eyesclosed,
Cheap’scharatersdream of other lives. Peacefully floating on past memories. All while fealing the
gravity of permenent reality.
Vincent Cheap hasbeen exhibiting and creating hispaitingsand multi media art for 20 yearson the front
range of Colorado. Also showing hisart in Fort Worth Texas, ColumbusOhio, Miami Florida, and many
more placesacrossed the country. Cheap hasbeen actively publishing album coversfor the likesof
Sailor Recordsand othersover the years. Aswell asillustrating booksfor Fast Geek Press, a small poetry
pressestablished by Cheap and histwin brother and poet, Charly Fasano. Cheap hasalso been featured
in publicationssuch asInkspired Magazine, Westword Magazine, and Truly Rejected Magazine.
Along with creating paintings, Cheap isinvolved in film. With hisbrother Charly Fasano, he has
produced music videoswith bandssuch asSnake Rattle Rattle Snake and others. Cheap hasalso
worked on and produced on a local Denver film full length feature called Hot Lead Hard Fury, set for
release in the fall of 2016. He hasalso collaborated with bandssuch asGet Three CoffinsReady,
malamadre, and otherscreating hour long filmsfor their live showsand performances.
Vincent Cheap hasalso currated and produced dozensof art exhibitionson the front range of Colorado.
Asa founding member of Cabal Gallery and Fast Geek Boutique, he hascreated a network of artistic and
creative family.